- 双语例句
His industry and persistence suggest that he was an ant in a previous incarnation.
The mild winter has created the ideal conditions for an ant population explosion.
Better work as hard as an ant than lead a parasitic life as a sparrow.
The ant is the most industrious animal; however, it is the most taciturn one.
没有任何动物比蚂蚁更勤奋, 然而它却最沉默寡言.
The ant is a social insect.
Ant societies are rigidly stratified and usually ruled by queens.
Why mosquito, does ant always bite me? A in one's heart is on the body everyday!
为什么蚊子, 蚂蚁总咬我 呢 ?每天身上都是疙瘩!
Each ant has two antennas extending from its head.
In this algorithm , a multicast tree's forest is formed during the ant movement progress.
Pincers poised and eyes gleaming , a bulldog ant surveys its surroundings.
钳子平衡、眼睛雪亮, 一只“斗牛犬”蚁正在侦查环境.
The ant colony algorithm is a novel simulated evolutionary algorithm which shows many good properties.
Ant algorithms are a type of Lamarckian search.
Go to the ant , you sluggard; watch its ways , and be wise.
箴言 6:6-11 )懒惰人哪, 你去察看蚂蚁的动作就可得智慧.
Jesse : Oh ! Look at the ant! It � � s there!
噢! 看那只蚂蚁! 它在那里!
Ant colony algorithm is a new heuristic optimization method and it has many merits.
The animal with the largest brainproportion to its body size is the ant.
Ant algorithm, a new combinatorial optimization algorithm, has made effect in solving a lot of question.
蚂蚁算法是一种比较新的组合优化算法, 在很多问题的求解中取得了成效.
God is a mean kid with a magnifying glass , and I'm the ant.
Jobs disappear in both colonies and ant nests and fiscal deficits soar, especially in colonies.
蚱蜢窝和蚁巢两边的工作岗位消失,财政赤字飙升, 尤其是在蚱蜢窝.
So, lei gong to split ant hot, spicy ants hurried into the earth go into hiding.
于是, 雷公要劈辣蚂蚁, 辣蚂蚁慌忙钻进土里去躲藏起来.
Ant is the most popular animal in the world.
The paper presents an ant colony clustering algorithm based on directional similarity: ACCADS.
An ant probably thinks the beach ball he's walking on is fl at, too.
This then the fable has fully manifested the ant team's strength.
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