- 双语例句
Social anthropology is centrally concerned with the diversity of culture.
The anthropology of the future will not be concerned above all else with primitives.
I believe he has started reading up anthropology.
Social anthropology examines family relationships in detail.
Social anthropology is one of the social sciences.
Boas's own research spanned the scope of anthropology in its North American definition.
The evolution of the research is to promote the development of physical anthropology another important factor.
Economic botany makes significant contributions to anthropology, botany and environmental conservation.
经济植物学为人类学 、 植物学和环境保护作出了重要的贡献.
Collect Pacific Rim cultural artifacts, paleontology, and anthropology.
藏太平洋边缘地区文化艺品 、 古生物学及人类学.
She was a grad student, anthropology and folklore.
This class introduces students to the methods and perspectives of cultural anthropology.
Elizabeth Angell is a PhD candidate in anthropology at Columbia University.
Anthropology is the study of human society, customs, and beliefs.
人类学是研究人类社会 、 习俗和信仰的.
Economic anthropology is where anthropology meets economics.
Geertz, Clifford . 1983 . Local knowledge: further essays in interpretive anthropology . NY: Basic Books.
中译本:克利弗德?纪尔兹著;杨德睿译2002《地方知识: 诠释人类学论文集》台北: 麦田.
Art is life, which is an essential understanding of art by anthropology.
艺术即生活, 这是人类学对艺术的一种基本的理解.
Explores cultural assumptions about neuroscience by drawing on anthropology, history, semiotics, and the cognitive sciences.
并藉由人类学 、 历史学 、 语言学 、 认知科学探索各种文化上有关神经科学的假设.
Study of violence is paid special attention to in anthropology and culture and especially rite theory.
William Adams , 1998 . The Philosophical Roots of Anthropology, CSLI Publications , Leland Stanford Junior Univ.
庄孔韶主编:《人类学通论》, 山西教育出版社,2002年, 第1页.
Thomas Bvarfield ( ed. ), The Dictionary of Anthropology, Blackwell Publishers Ltd. 1997.
吴泽霖主编, 《人类学词典》, 上海辞书出版社,1990年.
Park's theories were of great significance for the development of Chinese sociology and anthropology.
Anthropology and neuroscience also small but growing influences.
So, personally, I think accurate ethnography should still be the necessary subject of anthropology.
因此, 精细的民族志仍然应该是人类学的重点产品.
Ethnography is a term borrowed from anthropology, meaning the systematic and immersive study of human cultures.
人种学是从人类学中借用的一个术语, 意味着对人类文化进行系统的浸入式研究.
——About Face 3交互设计精髓
The concept of civilisation in anthropology : Marcel Mauss.
Physical anthropology M. Higher Education Press, 2004.
《体质人类学》,高等教育出版社出版, 2004.
One of my friends majored in anthropology in a university in Illinois.
In his old age the mathematician developed a fantastic enthusiasm in anthropology.
It's of the great academic value of anthropology ethnology while it is also of strong readability.
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