- 双语例句
If you have a malignant Boil , try applying this ointment, which has antipyretic and antitoxic effects.
患上疔疮,请敷这种药膏, 它能清瘟解毒.
This antipyretic action is usually rapid and effective in febrile patients.
Objective To investigate the antipyretic, analgesic and antiinflammatory effects of xiaoerkanggan granular.
目的观察小儿抗感颗粒的解热 、 镇痛、抗炎作用.
What kind of antipyretic do you usually prescribe to children who have got high fever?
Objective : To observe the clinical effect of antipyretic and antidotal on herpes zoster disease.
目的: 观察和验证清热解毒类中药对带状疱疹的临床功效.
Objective To study antipyretic action of scutellarin on fever in rabbits.
Objective To investigate the anti inflammatory and antipyretic effects of Huanggui enema.
Results: Using antipyretic and antidotal herb can shorten the course of herpes zoster.
结果: 清热解毒法治疗能缩短带状疱疹病程,控制临床症状.
OBJECTIVE : To observe the antiviral, antipyretic , anti cough and anti inflammatory effect of Linyang gamma tablet.
目的: 观察羚羊感冒片的抗病毒 、 解热 、 镇咳和抗炎作用.
Conclusion and external antipyretic and antidotal herb could inhibit either herpes'virus or caricella virus.
By means of the progressive papain enzyme antipyretic degeneration egg albumin filtered the appropriate conditions.
Methods and external antipyretic and antidotal herb to treating 43 cases of herpes zoster patients.
What method still can help allay a fever besides antipyretic?
Objective : To explore the effect of Antipyretic Oral Application on antipyretic function and anti inflammation.
目的: 研究退热灵口服液的解热抗炎作用.
Objective : To investigate stability of half solid preparation, compound antipyretic gel.
目的: 研究半固体制剂复方解热凝胶的稳定性.
Actions : Antipyretic, antidotal, antiphlogistic and analgesic.
功能: 清热解毒, 消肿止痛.
What are APC antipyretic composition and principle of allay a fever excuse me? Bit more detailed!
请问APC退烧药成分及退烧原理是什么? 详细点!
Objective : To study the anti inflammatory, antipyretic and analgetic actions of Kangleifengshi capsules.
目的: 研究抗类风湿胶囊的抗炎 、 解热、镇痛作用.
Accepts doctor to diagnose, was the antipyretic clothing excessive.
接诊医生诊断, 是退烧药服过量了.