- 双语例句
A family of stags once existed with an antler only on one side.
Traditionally, velvet antler is used for a wide variety of ailments.
Stimulation Growth . Velvet antler is an extremely rich, fast growing tissue that contains many growth factors.
But the antler hunting sword has a good quality. The rigidity, tartness and preservation are not bad.
不过那把鹿角猎刀得品质就很不错得说. 硬度 、 锋利度和保持性都非常得不错.
The antler is a bone tissue which can be regenerated postnatally annually.
The deer had his antler broken by the bush.
Against Stress . Velvet antler helps the body to maintain homeostasis against heat, cold, and electric shock.
保护应急能力:鹿茸具有帮助人体应对过热, 过冷, 压抑,气候突变或电刺激维持体内平衡.
Velvet antler is high in calcium and phosphates which aid in the healing of bones.
New Zealand offers the best environment to Grow Velvet antler.
This interest has developed into modern research investigating the pharmacology of velvet antler.
Objective : To study the effects of pilose antler on antihypoxia capacity in mice.
目的: 研究鹿茸对小鼠耐低氧作用的影响.
This paper retrospectively reviews the literature on the antler and summarizes its components and pharmaceutical actions.
The methods of isolation and culture sika deer antler chondrocytes were established.
Antler Velvet strengthens the immune system by promoting a healthy white blood cell count.
Research has shown that velvet antler helps to heal neural ( nerve ) tissue.
有关的研究还显示鹿茸可以帮助修复 神经 组织.
Velvet antler is a popular tonic that has been used mainly in the Orient for centuries.
Parents also give their children supplements, such as deer antler and ginseng extracts.
Young pilose antler tablets uneasiness of body and mind, malnutrition and amnesia.
鹿茸片对身心不顺, 营养不良和健忘疲倦患者颇有疗效.
Objective To study the effect of Chinese traditional medicine pilose antler growth factor on cell proliferation.
Objective To investigate the decreasing blood lipids effect of pilose antler capsule ( PAC ) .
目的研究 鹿茸 胶囊的调脂作用.
He was going to hang the horns of the antler on the wall as a trophy.
The estrogen hormone most affected by velvet antler is estradiol.
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