- 双语例句
Seafood soup is a good appetizer.
Hunger [ Exercise ] is a good appetizer.
饥饿 [ 运动 ] 是最好的开胃物.
Hunger is a good appetizer.
If your last name starts with A ~ D, please bring an appetizer.
如果你的姓以字母A~D打头, 请自带开胃小吃.
What sort of appetizer would you like?
What do you want for your appetizer, please?
Waitress: It includes an appetizer, soup or salad, main course, dessert or beverage.
服务生: 它包括开胃菜 、 汤或沙拉 、 主菜 、 甜点或饮料.
Select a nonalcoholic appetizer, such as tomato juice, if you do not care for an aperitif.
选择一项不含酒精成份的开胃食物, 如番茄汁, 如果你不要饭前酒的话.
What would you like to have for your appetizer, sir?
先生, 要点什么样的开胃菜 呢 ?
I'll see about your order. Would you like some appetizer while you are waiting?
我会去看看您点的菜做得怎样了, 您是不是可以先吃点开胃的东西?
Titanoboa could've swallowed such toothy prey as though it were an appetizer.
What would you like for your appetizer?
In addition, eat vinegar appetizer Shengjin both can inhibit kill bacteria, prevention of gastrointestinal disease.
另外, 吃些醋,既能生津开胃,又能抑制杀灭病菌, 预防胃肠道病.
The guests were served prawn cocktails as an appetizer.
A meal out means a glass of wine, maybe an appetizer, for sure a dessert.
下馆子就是要有美酒 、 或许还应该有开胃菜, 当然甜点是绝对少不了的.
Sometimes wine is served appetizer.
When oysters are served as appetizer, set the oyster fork to the right of the spoon.
如果生蚝作为开胃菜上桌, 那么生蚝叉要放在勺子的右边.
Mom ordered smoked salmon as the appetizer.
For a light appetizer what do you recommend?
Soup can serve as a great appetizer to a meal, or as an entree.
For an appetizer my wife will have smoked salmon, but I prefer a shrimp cocktail.
我太太要熏鲑鱼作开胃菜, 但是我想要虾子.
In medicine with expectorant antiasthmatic, thirst Sheng Jin, the role of Runchang appetizer.
在医药上具有祛痰平喘 、 止渴生津 、 开胃润肠的作用.
Preseason is an appetizer, meal to immediately.
季前赛无疑是一道开胃菜, 大餐马上就到.
Enjoy as appetizer, or as companion with fish, sea food and light meat.
作为餐前酒或者是配合鱼, 海鲜和白肉尤为适宜.
You can add wine to many of your favorite, appetizer, soup, main and side dish recipes.
在许多你喜欢的食物 、 开胃菜 、 汤 、 主菜和配菜的菜谱中都可以加点儿酒.
Would you like an appetizer?
你想来点儿开胃小菜 吗 ?
——英汉 - 翻译样例 - 口语
I'd like appetizer and meat dish.
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