- 双语例句
Java applet is also provided which allows more efficient and flexible access to image data.
A simple code to generate prime numbers. Applet of the type of procedure!
一个简单的素数生成的代码. applet的型的程序!
After a short pause, the device management applet should load and display the login screen.
在短的停留后, 设备管理附属程序应该装载和显示登录画面.
Author used Java Applet and buffer design pattern to improve performance.
Applet: a given number of decimal conversion become binary.
小程序: 将给定的十进制数转换成为二进制数.
Himself wrote a LAN chat applet to send information.
If you click on the applet it will start a new puzzle.
Can you write into the original URL, ASCOO, octal and hexadecimal simple applet!
能将你写的原文转换成URL, ASCOO, 八进制和十六进制的简单小程序!
The animation building module is implemented using Servlet and Applet.
To achieve the adoption of a domain name to obtain IP address applet!
Cannot launch Find In Files Applet.
Applet Abstract During the university, computation the synthetical evaluation is necessary per term.
摘要大学期间, 综合测评计算是每学期必不可少的工作.
No, deny this access ( This may mean the applet or script cannot work properly )
否, 拒绝授予此访问权限 ( 这意味着小应用程序和脚本无法正常工作 )
No applet or script is allowed to access your computer or network without your permission.
For end users, there is a Control Panel applet, which is exposed in a few locations.
您可以找到生物特征设备控制面板在硬件和声音.从该位置, 用户可以启动第三方指纹管理应用程序.
A simple mouse and keyboard actions and play back the recording applet!
On Easter weekend, Google displayed this logo with an applet created by Ken Perlin.
This applet demonstrates the effect of pressure by considering a gas particle in a frictionless piston.
Converting Proteus sessions to Procyon format . Includes instructions and conversion software applet.
Multiload ( cpu , load average, memory , net , swap ) applet for the GNOME panel.
用它来查看系统的负载状态.我选择观察的是处理器使用率, 系统平均负载, 磁盘使用.
This is a joint interface applet, we can make a fine reference to the small interface.
这是一个联合界面的小程序, 大家可以参考做出精美小界面.
Unable to start a java applet the version number for your classes is wrong.
This is an applet that students use to respond to questions in class.
To change the initial velocity, click on the applet and then change the velocity slidebar.
Windows XP Opens the Keyboard properties control panel applet.
Stability and usability fixes to the Profiles applet. Selection, usage and restoring of ringtones.
选择 、 使用、恢复铃声的状态菜单程序更加稳定.
Run the Display applet in Control Panel, and select the Settings tab.
在控制面板中运行“显示”小程序, 并且选择“设置”标签.
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