- 双语例句
Aspiring musicians need hours of practice every day.
It tells the story of an aspiring young man's attempt to rise above the squalor of the street.
It's a kind way of telling aspiring novelists, "Don't give up the day job".
Many aspiring young artists are advised to learn by copying the masters.
Like so many aspiring actresses, she ended up waiting tables and temping in office jobs.
The Government seems to have created a more demanding obstacle course for aspiring students than ever before.
He recalled her memory with ardent, tender love, and hopeful aspiring to the better world.
他以热烈 、 温柔的爱情, 以及到更好的世界的热望,来回忆、纪念她.
This is the second book Snyder has written for aspiring authors of screen players.
这是S为 成为剧作家所写的第二本书.
Perhaps it is aspiring to contribute something of value.
ANCHOR For today's aspiring entrepreneurs, a home base in Silicon Valley is simply no enough.
主播对于今天的有志企业家, 仅硅谷一个基地是远远不够的.
China is a country aspiring to succeed in the modern technological world.
You would never get lost if you have a high aspiring mind.
" We Both are exalted to distant thought, Aspiring to the sky and the Bright moon. "
俱怀逸兴壮思飞, 欲上 青天 览明月.
——英汉 - 翻译样例 - 文学
Lauren Nelson, an aspiring Broadway star, was crowned Miss America on Monday night.
报道说, 百老汇新星 、 自俄克拉何马州的劳伦·尔逊摘得“美国小姐”桂冠.
Emulate those who have already achieved what you are aspiring to.
The need for advice and guidance is as real and pressing for today's aspiring entrepreneurs.
I told several I was an aspiring actor looking for my big break in Hollywood.
One of my roommates, Francis, is an aspiring actor.
我的室友当中, 法兰西斯是非常有上进心的演员.
LW : In addition to your acting career, you are also known as an aspiring writer.
除了你的演艺事业之外, 你也是一个很有抱负的作家.
This website shows and invisible world and aspiring eyes of ladys.
Aspiring filmmakers, are you feeling overlooked , underappreciated, and undiscovered?
雄心勃勃的电影制片者, 你们是否觉得受人忽视 、 不被欣赏、遭到埋没?
She is now an aspiring orthopedic surgeon at Chicago's Northwestern University Medical School.
The former backup dancer and aspiring rapper is also seeking spousal support.
What advice do you have for aspiring songwriters?
你对那些有抱负的作词家有什么建议 吗 ?
What advice can you offer to aspiring travel writers?
可以给旅行写作爱好者一些建议 么 ?
After all, I am a virtuous, aspiring and studious man.
毕竟, 我是一个善良 、 积极而且勤奋的人.
These aspiring actors dare to take on many challenges.
The share of poor teenagers aspiring to college tripled from 1980 to 2002.
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