- 双语例句
Two colors of solemn black and elegant beige annotate modernist's elegance and confidence.
This beautifully designed copper bed is decorated with warm burgundy and rosy beige colours.
We are a rainbow: running everything from bland, beige Whitehall was never going to work.
我们都是一道彩虹,从平庸中走来, 白厅以前从来没有打算做什么.
As far as I'm concerned, the beige one is better.
就我而言, 米色的那个更好.
Beige is a bad color for shirts or any article that around the face.
Crown variegated dark green, yellow and beige, plain. Miniature.
深绿色, 黄色和灰褐色组合成的皇冠斑叶, 一般型叶. 迷你型.
Double dark fuchsia star. dark green, beige, light green and pink, plain, quilted. Large.
重瓣深樱红色星形花. 深绿色, 灰褐色, 亮绿色和粉红色组合成的平坦斑叶, 叶脉向上气状突起.大型.
They were small, somewhere between ecru and beige, but this was it.
它们很小, 淡褐色的, 但毕竟是不错的.
Orange, the focus of beige wall decoration with the home network, a natural transition.
橘黄 、 米黄墙砖焦点装修家居网的搭配, 过渡自然.
She decided on a beige cashmere sweater.
The Yixing clay comes in three colors: light beige, deep red and purplish brown.
宜兴的陶土有三种颜: 浅褐色 、 深红色及紫褐色.
I think beige goes well with your complexion.
The President sat up straight in his chair, a piece of beige plastic in his ear.
总统直挺挺地坐在椅子上, 一只耳朵塞着一块米色的塑料.
This is a infant car seat cover made with green cotton and beige John Deere fabric.
Hannah wore a light beige dressand looked beautiful.
They sold four black rain coats to each beige raincoat.
Faceted clear crystal ornament with beige ribbon.
They prefer plain dark grey or beige without any stripes.
The Federal Reserve releases its report known as the beige book report later Wednesday.
In winter when the sun came out it revealed a sweeping vista of beige.
The walls have been done in beige.
When they met, each was wearing a beige dress and a brown jacket.
见面的时候, 一个穿的是米色的衣服和棕色的夹克.
——超越目标英语 第3册
INSIDER TRICK: Levin brushed Chanel Lift Lumiere foundation in Beige over Aniston's moisturized skin.
内幕把戏: 安吉拉用米色的香奈儿粉底(用于安妮斯顿的皮肤).
The statistical breakdown was approximately four to one in favor of beige.
Qin also as the beige specialty sweet steamed.
A beautiful chinchilla with one beige dominant gene.
Variegated dark green, cream and beige. Standard.
深绿色, 奶油色和灰褐色组合成的斑叶. 标准型.
The walls are beige.
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