- 双语例句
Maybe we should take a leaf out of Branson's book. It's easy to see how he became a billionaire.
The new arts center is the brainchild of a generous billionaire.
If this guy is a billionaire, I ' m a Dutchman.
(假如这家伙是个亿万富翁, 我就是浑蛋. )
B : if you were a billionaire, you would have other dreams.
如果你是亿万富翁, 你就会有其他的梦想了.
The Indian billionaire any direct contacts with Indian table tennis teams.
The Indian billionaire said the agreement does not include a financial settlement.
One project was a water deal that he almost cut with billionaire T.
Uncle introduced to me a businessman who is a billionaire.
One don't imagine that kind of unity and sentimentality existing at the Billionaire Bridge.
Like his fellow billionaire Bill Gates, Abramovich is unexpectedly slight.
跟同为亿万富翁的比尔盖茨一样, 阿布拉莫维奇出乎意料的瘦.
China's real estate billionaire Yang Huiyan ranked among all the 42 Chinesethe list.
Then Chinese emerge large numbers gave a batch of millionaire, billionaire.
于是中国涌现出了一批百万富翁 、 亿万富翁.
The pretty young girl at last won the favor of a billionaire Arab oil magnate.
Besides, how has Chelsea lost its identity by being owned by a billionaire?
另外, 被一个亿万富翁所有怎么使切尔西的个性丢失 呢 ?
These days a benevolent billionaire might set up a charitable trust fund.
Last year, J . K . Rowling , the billionaire novelist , who started as a classics student, graced this podium.
去年登上这个讲台的是亿万身家的小说家乔安娜·凯瑟琳·罗琳, 她最早是一个古典文学的学生.
E . g . Who is that John Doe standing next to the billionaire?
The billionaire is proposing that they be replaced by his sister and an associate.
I am not a billionaire, but at least I am a nerd.
虽然我不是亿万富翁, 但至少我也算是一个高手.
And her dad is this billionaire.
The woman replied , " A billionaire. "
“ 那时他是个千万富翁. ”
This dark period was over when the media billionaire 24 , Silvio Berlusconi, bought the team.
当媒体大亨西尔维奥·贝卢斯科尼购买了米兰队后, 米兰队的黑暗时期就结束了.
Billionaire mansions are often built like this.
Of course, rely on remainder asset and Yi Kan also does not become billionaire.
当然, 伊坎也不是依靠廉价出售资产而成为亿万富翁的.
Corprate billionaire Edward Cole and working class mechanic Carter Chambers have nothing in common terminal illnesses.
"It's tough at the top," he said. "It's tougher at the bottom," riposted the billionaire.
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