- 双语例句
The boatman was willing to risk ferrying them across.
The boatman refused to row him back.
The boatman put me across the river.
The boat of the boatman Madhu is moored at the wharf or Rajgunj.
The boatman nodded towards the north of the bay with some disdain.
I met the boatman who then took me across the ferry.
The boatman was a strong handsome young guy.
The boatman took up the pole and shoved the boat off.
Boatman pondering a moment, decided to abandon the faith.
船夫琢磨了一下, 决定抛弃诚信.
He's an expert boatman, and can be found sailing with his family almost every weekend.
他是个老练的船夫, 几乎每个周末都和家人出海.
The boatman let fall the oars into the water.
This gives a very distressed boatman.
A poor boatman on the stone bridge of Tuo River was desperately waiting for tourists.
In it there was a boatman fast asleep.
The town has been known that the boatman was a liar, they never Quzuo his ship.
镇上已经人人皆知船夫是个骗子, 就再也不会去坐他的船.
A scholar asked a boatman to row him across the river.
The boat of the boatman Madhu is moored at the wharf of Rajgunj.
The boatman singing what belongs to him in his boatdeck hand singing on the steamboat deck.
Lao Chuanfu finished boatman pat on the shoulder, and from his side walked past.
老船夫说完,拍拍船夫的肩膀, 从他身旁走了过去.
The boatman asked the artist , Can you swim?
]夫微笑著说﹕那麽, 你的生命就要减少三分之三了!
You can a soft cushion in a gondola while a boatman rows you along green canals.
Le Fanghe deng ancient times, from the Yellow River Boatman Road Club held organizations.
古时漂放河灯, 由黄河船工组织河路社举办.
I met a boatman, who then took me across the river.
我遇到了以位船夫, 他将我渡到了河对岸.
Two men stood at the verge of the cliff, watching: businessman, boatman.
有两个人站在悬崖边上眺望着, 一个是商人, 另一个是 船老大.
In this way, I do not know how many people have deceived the boatman.
就这样, 船夫欺骗了不知多少人.
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