- 双语例句
Hundreds of ideas had been tried and discarded during two years of brainstorming.
The facilitator asks the brainstorming group for their ideas.
The company flew the teams into New York for an exhaustive marathon brainstorming session.
Use those days for an important meeting, creative brainstorming session, or a short trip.
用这些天进行重要的会议, 头脑风暴, 或者一次短途旅行.
The results of brainstorming, however, have frequently been deemed inadequate.
然而, 头脑风暴的结果常常并不如人意.
We had an intense brainstorming session today.
It is important to start off by brainstorming what you have been asked to do.
With Brainstorming, treat the view on how to solve the problem rightly.
We're holding a brainstorming session on our new product next Tuesday.
After a bit of brainstorming, Evelyn came up with several great titles for her book.
伊夫琳左思右想了一阵之后, 终于为她的书想出了几个好名字.
This is particularly challenging for creative types and during brainstorming sessions.
At the early stage of Requirements Definition, brainstorming assumes a somewhat ironic purpose.
——About Face 3交互设计精髓
Even when you're not at your job, you sometimes do positive brainstorming about your work.
即便没有上班, 有时一些工作想法还会在脑子里灵光乍现.
Even when you're not at your job, you sometimes do positive brainstorming your work.
即使没有下班, 有时一些任务想法还会在脑子里灵光乍现.
Using Games and Experiential Learning , BUZZ and HUM Group, Case Studies, Syndicate Group, Brainstorming , Exercises.
游戏和实践学习法 、 Buzz组和Hum组 、 案例学习、小组讨论、脑力激荡及演练.
Diagrams are a means of communication and explanation, and they facilitate brainstorming.
图形是交流和进行解释的一种手段, 它们也很容易引发头脑风暴.
Ward Cunningham: Wiki has a feel of brainstorming, though it's not as interactive.
坎宁安: 维基一点头脑风暴的感觉, 虽然它本身并不是交互式的.
Among the methods of scientific investigation used are analytic method, cause analysis, questionnaire survey, and brainstorming.
在科学调查中所使用的方法有:条理分析, 动机分析, 问卷调查, 集体讨论.
Among the methods of scientific investigation used are analytic method, cause analysis, questionnaire and brainstorming.
科学研究的方法中使用了分析方法 、 原因分析 、 问卷调查和头脑风暴.
Let's do some brainstorming and work out a plan together.
GS : But they are working? This isn't just brainstorming at this point?
但是他们已经在工作了么? 还是仅仅在发表自己的想法?
Create brainstorming diagrams ( graphical representations of thought processes ) for planning, problem solving, decision making, and brainstorming.
创建灵感触发图 ( 思维过程的图形化表示 ),以便进行规划 、 解决问题 、 决策制定和灵感触发.
Be bold by pitching your solutions to management and speaking up in meetings and brainstorming sessions.
Two engineers are brainstorming a quality control ( QC ) system that will be put into operation.
We are going to do some brainstorming soon.
Once this brainstorming stage is over , Mr Berman asks everyone to come up with product ideas.
伯曼先生说自由讨论环节结束时, 他要求每个人都提出产品创意.
In this organizational model, those most proficient in a certain area become centers of creative brainstorming.
在这种组织模式中, 其中大部分在一定的区域内成为创造性意念爆发的中心.
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