- 双语例句
This paper offers the students a new angle of view to understand fine brushwork.
They combined vigorous brushwork with decorative arrangements of form and colour.
Van Gogh developed a taste for personalized brushwork and brilliant, unmixed colours.
凡高发展了个性化的笔法及鲜明 、 纯色的品位.
Gongbi is a traditional Chinese realistic painting characterized by fine brushwork and close attention to detail.
He inherited and developed the Tang, Dynasties, Song bird has a fine tradition of fine brushwork.
他继承并发扬了唐 、 五代 、 两宋以来工笔花鸟画的优秀传统.
Be able to fully reflect the current city easily freehand brushwork.
The fine detail of the painter's brushwork.
It is related to the material characteristics in Western brushwork.
The object image position is determined freely by random pause of brushwork.
The fine brushwork figure painting goes through a flexuous exploration process . 3.
Gongbi painting is characterized by fine brushwork, attention to detail and bright colors.
工笔画笔法细腻, 注重细节和色彩绚丽.
Room Service gracious hospitality, guests can be freehand brushwork in the room to rest or work.
客房服务殷勤周到, 宾客可写意地在房间内休息或工作.
Their technique preferences brush stroke mainly expressed in color , and fine brushwork together with freehand brushwork.
Using delicate brushwork, the artist portrays the appearance and the expression of the character vividly.
作者用细致的笔伐, 将人物的外貌和神情描画地惟妙惟肖.
Because life is a kind of freehand brushwork, casual like.
因为人生就是一种写意, 随意就好.
Sargent was now a consummate master of brushwork ( Roberta Smith )
萨金特现在是一名绘画大师( 罗伯塔史密斯 )
I excitedly with paint and brush with you and would like to draw our own brushwork.
Freehand brushwork is the product of the Chinese traditional culture, the national value and method.
写意是中华民族传统文化的产物 、 民族的艺术观和艺术方法.
His technical innovation was his brushwork.
The other is freehand brushwork which exist in Chinese painting opposite traditional Chinese realistic painting.
Picasso's brushwork is particularly fine.
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