- 双语例句
Cankered material can produce effluvial carcinogen aldehyde . 2.
Aflatoxin B 1 ( AFTB 1 ) has strong toxicity, which was ranked A carcinogen by international cancer organization in 1988.
黄曲霉毒素 B1 具有很强的毒性, 1988年被国际癌症机构列为A类致癌物质.
It is reported that the aflatoxin B 1 ( AFB 1 ) is a carcinogen that inducing the liver cancer.
早年就有报道黄曲霉毒素B1 ( AFB1 ) 可以诱发肝癌.
Human hazards of acrylamide: the animal experiments show that, acrylamide is a kind of potential carcinogen.
丙烯酰胺对人体的危害: 动物试验显示, 丙烯酰胺是一种可能致癌物.
Chemical carcinogens generally require metabolic conversion to some form of " ultimate " carcinogen.
化学致癌物一般需要通过代谢来转换成某种形式的 “ 最终 ” 致癌物.
Lead toxic to multiple organ systems animal carcinogen.
Sodium nitrite is easily converted to nitrite amine, which is a kind of carcinogen.
亚硝酸钠在人体内容易转变为亚硝胺, 是一种致癌物质.
Medical studies indicated in recent years that furazolidone is a strong carcinogen.
Formaldehyde is a carcinogen that has been shown to cause cancer in lab animals.
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