- 双语例句
Dealing with a journalist is ultimately just another business transaction, a kind of cashless trading.
归根结底,和记者打交道是一种商业往来, 一种无现金的交易.
The United States is fast becoming a cashless society.
A concept put forth in the 1960 s by the Electronic Funds Transfer System, to develop a checkless, cashless, paperless society.
60年代,由于电子资金转帐系统的出现而得到的一个概念,要使我们进入一个无支票 、 无现金 、 无纸张票据的社会.
We are moving towards the cashless society.
On the international stage, many countries are moving at fast pace into the cashless society.
在国际舞台上, 许多国家正疾步踏入无现金社会.
Already, the cashless society is real for some.
对某些人来说, 无现金的社会早已经成为现实了.
A cashless man goes fast through the market.
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