- 双语例句
A suitable answer has already been put forward by the chairwoman.
KMT : 1 . Chairwoman Tsai, you are an expert on international economics and trade.
蔡主席, 您是国际经济和贸易的专家.
She holds the office of chairwoman.
It is a point underscored by the panel's chairwoman, Harvard Law School Professor Elizabeth Warren.
这也是国会监督小组主席 、 哈佛大学法学院教授伊丽莎白.沃伦强调的重点.
A chairwoman may be addressed as " Madam Chairman.
”一位女主席可被称为“主席女士 ”.
Chairwoman Kang and Jae Gyeong are busy preparing for the wedding.
FDIC Chairwoman ITila Bair says the will be a seamless transition for the bank's customers.
FDIC Chairwoman Sheila Bair says this will be a seamless transition for the bank's customers.
The chairwoman is up against the greatest challenge to her position.
Margaret Aspinall , chairwoman of the Hillsborough Family Support Group , said: " This is an absolute disgrace. "
希尔斯堡 家属支援组织的主席阿斯匹诺尔说: 这真是一个耻辱.
Primakov was in Japan meeting with the chairwoman of the Socialist Party there.
Elizabeth Chelliah is chairwoman of APEC's committee for trade and investment.
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