- 双语例句
The shopper only needs to place all the items on the conveyor belt at checkout counter.
Checkout the way to the renminbi, credit cards, check the form of settlement.
结帐方式以人民币 、 信用卡 、 支票形式结算.
After remitting all cost, the participants fax the money order copy of today for checkout.
参展商在汇出费用后, 即日将银行汇单复印传真至组委会,以便核查.
When you have finished, you go to the checkout.
当你选好后, 你去结帐台.
And we've also extended our checkout time to 2:00 in the afternoon.
Checkout Clerk: Is that all?
收银员: 就这些 吗 ?
As he stepped up to the checkout counter , he saw that his total was $ 127.50.
A : Did you see the new girl working at the checkout?
你看 咿 那?在收泫台工作的新?女孩?
The mature trained BP NN, which substitutes for the standard meter checkout way.
I need a template for the main page, products pages, and checkout pages.
我需要一个主网页模板, 产品网页, 并结帐页面.
Beginning on February 1, Google Checkout will charge percent plus 20 cents per transaction.
从2月1日开始, 谷歌收银台对每笔交易收取2%+20美分的交易费.
This hotel would be enhanced with the availability of flexible checkin and checkout times.
During checkout, the system can display a number of different offers to your customers.
在支付过程中, 系统能为您的客户显示许多不同的折扣优惠.
Please pay your bills at the checkout counter.
Checkout at the grocery store will be fully automatic, as will payment via your digital wallet.
杂货店的结帐将全部自动完成, 通过数字式钱包付付也将完全自动化.
The checkout here is 12 noon.
Don't show this dialog box again ( Always undo checkout ).
不再显示此对话框 ( 总是撤消签出 ).
View your cart go to checkout after correct.
A checkout discourages others from modifying a file , and a lock prevents them from doing so.
签出妨碍了别人修改文件, 即一个锁阻止别人对文件的修改.
People were in line at the checkout counter.
Look at your checkout procedure.
It's in the Cold Medicine section, next to the aspirin [ near the checkout counter ].
在感冒药货位, 紧靠阿司匹林处 [ 在交款处附近 ].
Once you have filled your shopping cart, It is time to proceed to checkout.
一旦你已经装满你的购物车, 现在是该前进到清单的时候.
I do have another one for purchase if two are needed at checkout.
Finally to the financial settlement single checkout!
Is there a penalty for late checkout?
过了结账离店时间会收取罚金 吗 ?
The average latency at which failed checkout requests are processed.
All checkout pages will display at the top a time limit to complete current step.
Sorry. The cash register system is out of order . Please follow me to another checkout.
很抱歉, 因收银机系统出现故障,我带您去另外一个收银台买单.
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