- 双语例句
Doctors cocoon ed the patient in blankets.
There is nowhere to hide when things go wrong, no organisation to cocoon you from blame.
A man found a 1 ) cocoon of an 2 ) emperor moth and took it home.
有个人找到了一只 帝 蛾的茧,就把它带了回家.
Our company was established in 2001, operates mainly in mulberry silkworm cocoon, silk, and silkworm appliances.
我公司成立于2001年, 主要经营桑蚕茧 、 蚕丝 、 以及桑蚕用具.
Cocoon provides a database access mechanism using XSP.
在Cocoon中,提供了一套使用XSP对 数据库进行数据访问的机制.
This paper discusses how to design cocoon matching alternatives so as to narrow means square deviation.
A some that first month of summer rime becomes the cocoon.
As an earliest birthplace of cocoon and silk industry, Anhui yields much in this trade.
Objective : To explore the mechanism of hypoglycemic action of silkworm cocoon.
目的: 探讨蚕茧降血糖作用的机理.
Describes the structure and technical behaviour of the Tumble Endless Hot Air Cocoon Dryer FD 091.
Peculiarities in the silkworm are known to appear at the corresponding caterpillar or cocoon stage.
There a transformation at work, like that of a butterfly coming out of its cocoon.
一种改变在运转中, 正如胡蝶破茧.
The beautiful Butterfly emerged from the cocoon.
The children tore the cocoon open to see if there was a pupa.
Most worms cocoon in winter.
There are some differences in microstructure and thermal property of silk fiber among different cocoon layers.
He took a pair of scissors and shipped off the remaining bit of the cocoon.
A cocoon is a kind of silk covering made by an insect.
China light Fang city, China cocoon silk market etc. at whole country have bigger influence.
中国轻纺城 、 中国茧丝绸市场等在全国有较大的影响力.
Dominated by agriculture, rich cocoon, walnuts, cocoon production in North China has been as advanced units.
以农业为主, 盛产蚕茧 、 核桃, 曾被评为华北蚕茧生产先进单位.
Agricultural production of corn, fruit, cocoon, vegetables.
农业主产玉米 、 果品 、 蚕茧 、 蔬菜.
Fibroin is a component of cocoon filament.
Qin and Han Dynasty when the inferior race, cocoon for silk floss crafts very popular.
秦,汉时劣势种族, 绵茧工艺很受欢迎.
Butterfly trapped in the thick cocoon in growth, is also a strong!
蝴蝶被困在厚厚的茧里成长, 这也是一种坚强!
the cocoon of a caring family
Even though we're living together we walk around in this cocoon of silence.
You cannot live in a cocoon and overlook these facts.
He stood there in a cocoon of golden light.
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