- 双语例句
Condom off in vagina should take immediate remedial measures to prevent pregnancy.
Q. What did the penis say to the condom? A. Cover me im going in!
问: 阴茎对安全套说什么了? 答: 掩护我,我要进去了!
Thanks, buddy. Remember to use a condom.
谢谢, 兄弟, 记住要用安全套.
The condom is a very effective contraceptive if used properly.
Condom is a popular contraceptive as well as disease prevention method in the United States.
Sell condom alone or sell newspaper alone , namely monomer machine alone.
单独售套或单独售报, 即单体机.
Penicillin and other antibiotics were miracle cures for gonorrhea and syphilis. The poor, humble condom languished.
Be careful that your fingernails don't rip the condom when you are putting it on.
I mean, what if a condom breaks? Or he's flossing his teeth and his gums bleed?
我是说, 如果避孕套破了,或是他牙齿松动了,牙龈流血了 怎么办 ?
Psychosocial Factors Influencing Condom Use Behavior among Female Sex Workers in China.
You mean you've actually masturbated with a condom before? she asked.
Tear along one side of the foil package and remove the condom carefully.
A man who wants to protect himself can don a condom.
Know you need a condom but aren't sure which kind?
Andonis Analyst Pierre Condom says tackle tight credit is only making matters worse.
In advocate use condom while precaution is venereal, maintain mental health, establish sexual morality concept.
在提倡使用避孕套预防性病的同时, 保持心理健康, 树立性道德观.
Do not use the condom, because the condom contains lubricator and spermatocidal agent.
请勿使用保险套收集精液, 因保险套有润滑剂及杀精剂.
If any things will happen on the first date, you won't have a condom.
如果不小心第一次约会就发生了关系, 可以酌情不使用安全套.
According to a 2005 survey by Durex, the condom maker, the global average age was 17.3.
据安全套制造商杜蕾丝公司2005年的一项调查, 全球初次性行为的平均年龄为17.3岁.
Then you get to do it with a condom.
Do not sample by using condom, but directly into the container.
不可将精液留在避孕套内, 要直接留入容器内.
Kunming closes a condom where to have sell?
France Robbie inventions so that people always remember is his first to produce a condom.
Wrap the condom a tissue and place a bin, do not flush it down the toilet.
请将使用后的避孕套用纸巾包好,放进垃圾桶内, 不要弃于马桶中,以免造成堵塞.
It can be used for the quality control of nonoxinol in condom.
One way is to teach people how to avoid catching the virus sexually through condom promotion.
In countries where condom use and safe sex have been encouraged, new infections have declined.
在一些鼓励使用安全套和安全性行为的国家, 新感染病例有所下降.
No, I work in a condom factory & these are customer complaints.
“不是.我在避孕套 工厂工作,而这些是顾客的投诉. ”
Condom sales, birth rates, transmitted disease and toys: The determinants a sexy U.S. city.
避孕套的销量, 出生率,传染病和充气娃娃, 这些是决定美国城市是否性感的因素.
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