- 双语例句
Jones, look you had joined constabulary force.
琼斯, 看来你已经加入警察部队了.
Constabulary bate, blow alarm chirp comes check, captain is obliged to halt the car.
警察大怒, 吹起警哨赶来制止, 上尉只得把车停住.
" The Jamaican Constabulary Force remains the primary investigating force. "
声明写道: “ 牙买加警方会继续把此案作为主要侦办案件. ”
When discovering scampish software is too much, provide constabulary software that uninstalls scampish software.
当发现流氓软件太多的时候, 提供卸载流氓软件的警察软件.
Your task is constabulary smile from road of car window introversion.
By the time the town constabulary had been roused, Feliks had melted away.
等镇上的警察动员起来, 费利克斯已经无影无踪了.
Constabulary armour:'scarcely can make her dead. "
警察甲: “ 一定不能让她死. ”
Our friends in the Royal Irish Constabulary would like to shut me up.
His amount of deposit has aroused constabulary doubt, so the constable begins to investigate him.
他的巨额存款引起了警察的怀疑, 于是警察开始调查他的一切.
It seemed that you had joined the constabulary.
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