- 双语例句
The lubricants and refrigerants of the machines will not contaminate the materials and the machine drums.
White cells contaminate the red cell and platelet components.
DO NOT add any chemicals to the system piping which will contaminate the potable water supply.
Dispose of that nulear waste properly or it will contaminate the groundwater.
Rain can leach out these chemicals and contaminate ground water beyond the landfill boundaries.
Are you brave enough to impeach or disclose the units or individuals that contaminate environment?
你有勇气检举、揭发污染环境的单位和个人 吗 ?
Do you refuse to buy grills simply because street barbecue stands contaminate environment?
你会因为烧烤摊污染环境而拒绝吃烧烤 吗 ?
We continually wage war on them, for they contaminate our food, carry diseases, devour our crops.
人类不断地同昆虫斗争, 因为他们污染食物, 传播疾病, 吞噬庄稼.
Hosts contaminate our tombs and crosses burn our skin.
Bamboo grown near a busy road is no good because auto exhaust can contaminate the crop.
It uses ( and can contaminate ) a lot of water.
它需要大量的水 ( 而且会把水污染掉 ).
Idling a vehicle can also contaminate engine oil and accelerate the deterioration of engine components.
We have to constantly guard our heart and not allow and contaminate us.
Should these animals harbour viruses, they will contaminate the water and affect other native wildlife.
这些生物带有海港病毒, 有可能会污染水资源,影响其他生物的生存.
These substances contaminate paint, reducing its brilliance and smooth feel.
这些物质污染油漆, 降低光滑度.
The sources of organisms that may contaminate the wound are numerous.
Any harmful bacteria present in the raw meat juices could contaminate safely cooked food.
The massive quantities of salt water can further contaminate soils, rendering them unsuitable for many crops.
大量含盐海水的涌入,可使土地遭受进一步污染, 使其不适合种植多数作物.
Hazardous substances produced from welding and allied processes will contaminate work environment and affect worker's health.
Do not contaminate mattress with chlorine or insect repellents, which can damage the fabric coating.
不要氯或杀虫剂污染气垫, 这些会损坏织物的涂层.
Contaminate your bed, and you will one night suffocate in your own waste.
All over the world, oil spills regularly contaminate coasts.
One secret military unit tried to contaminate the drinking water of the refugees.
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