- 双语例句
There are so many bodies undertakers want to cremate them in groups. They are all children.
这里的遇难者尸体太多了,以至于需要集中火化, 他们都是儿童.
In Song Dynasty, people failed in trying to forbid the custom of cremate.
Laowang explains: " Combustion is cremate, degenerating is inhumation. "
老王解释道: “ 燃烧就是火葬, 腐朽就是土葬. ”
Please cremate me. And please leave a small tombstone near home. I've long thought about that.
请将我火化吧. 并请于我家旁边树立一个小小的墓碑. 我对此已经考虑良久.
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