- 双语例句
Natives will cringe and squirm with embarrassment at such brashness.
Those two words in the title might have made you cringe.
Those who hate the LORD would cringe before him and their punishment would last forever.
They can be impulsive , faithful and take risks others may cringe from.
在其他畏缩的时期,他们可能为所驱, 敦朴的担当风险.
That is why some economists cringe when Wall Street firms are bailed out.
His way of sleeping makes me cringe.
People often cringe when they hear the word fat. That may be because they misunderstand it.
大家听到“脂肪”两个字常畏惧退却, 可能是因为他们对脂肪有误解.
But just the thought of mentioning it to her made him cringe.
I cringe with embarrassment when I reread those first stories I wrote.
By the cringe, it's cold out here.
哎呀, 外面这里真冷.
NIV Those who hate the Lord would cringe before him, and their punishment would last forever.
It may be difficult to believe, but some people actually cringe when an opportunity presents itself.
令人难以置信的是, 有些人竟在机遇来临时畏缩.
They be impulsive, faithful and take risks others may cringe from.
在其他人畏缩的时候,他们可以为情所驱, 忠实的承担风险.
As soon as they hear me, they obey me; foreigners cringe before me.
44他们一听见我的名声就必顺从我; 外邦人要投降我.
I cringe when I think of the risks I took.
I cringe a little bit, but I feel the purpose and the point is important.
我有一点萎缩, 但是我觉得目的和关键点是很重要的.
Your foolish talk makes me cringe.
Did you cringe watching some of your tanturms?
你自己看那些发怒的场景的时候畏缩过 吗 ?
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