- 双语例句
Configuration of crossbar decoder, DMA controller and ADC controller are illustrated.
说明了数字交叉开关 、 DMA控制器和ADC转换器 的软件配置方法.
Place the sling crossbar under and forward of the bumper.
Crossbar switch is unblock network, it allows all possible simultaneous connect from point to point.
交叉开关是无阻塞网络, 允许所有可能的点对点间的同时连接.
Wanfeng ring inside out, xuan bi precipitous cliffs, ravines crossbar.
境内万峰环列, 崖悬壁峭, 沟壑纵横.
It was a milestone that shared bus switch fabrics had been replaced by crossbar fabrics.
The height of jump is measured from the ground to the lowest portion of the crossbar.
Nautical A crossbar on a ship's rudder to which the steering cables are connected.
By 2010, manufacturers may be able to incorporate the crossbar communications system into commercial chips.
到2010年, 制造商或许就可以将交叉点通讯系统整合进他们的商用芯片上了.
The first half, Ronaldo hit the crossbar and back injury shortly before the end.
上半时, 小罗射中横梁,前不久复出的受伤下场.
Bell introduces crossbar central office switches.
The center crossbar is to extend from end to end at the middle of the frames.
Just as solidly, it hit the crossbar. Gyan stumbled away holding his head.
可能正是因为太用力, 球打在横梁上. 吉安双手抱着头,弯下腰去.
Video source change on crossbar filter.
His cross was met with a powerful header from Richard Jones, which rebounded off the crossbar.
他的传中让里查德-琼斯有了大力头槌的机会, 但却被横梁拒之门外.
The ball goes over the crossbar.
Crossbar switch is significant to the expansion of system bus and interconnection of multi processors.
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