- 双语例句
Consequently, marshall's pay is degressive doctrine still has its theory energy in new economy progress.
因而, 马歇尔的报酬递减学说在新经济发展中依然有其理论活力.
Resource increasing cost of degressive, exploitation, this is the objective law that resource city avoids hard.
资源递减 、 开采成本递增, 这是资源型城市难以避免的客观规律.
The rule that field extracts , can divide commonly be high yield period, firmly period, degressive period.
油田开采的规律, 一般可分为高产期 、 稳产期 、 递减期.
Below downtown and line function, each price gradient grade show gradient outside introversion oneself degressive change.
在市中心和环线作用下, 各个地价梯度等级自内向外呈梯度递减变化.
However, distant river field also is facing the dilemma with degressive resource.
然而, 辽河油田也面临着资源递减的困境.
The person's need is finite, the limit effectiveness of the product is consequently degressive.
人的需要是有限的, 因而产品的边际效用递减.
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