- 双语例句
The dehumidifier is broken, please have it fixed quickly.
这台除湿机出故障了, 赶快修理一下.
It is widely used in pharmaceutical food, chemical industry etc. Which baked and dehumidifier to material.
系列热风循环烘箱广泛用于制药、食品 、 化工等行业对物料进行加温烘干或除湿.
The joint venture is engaged in R & D , manufacture, marketing, service of portable air conditioners and dehumidifier.
是集移动空调、抽湿机产品的 研发 、 生产 、 营销 、 服务于一体的高效团队.
The room is too damp, please turn on the dehumidifier.
这个房间太潮湿了, 请把除湿器打开.
The dehumidifier can work normally and effectively in the high temperature and high humidity environment.
The dehumidifier filters the moisture out of the air.
H & T Instrument Dehumidifier Humidifier AC Microwave etc.
Develops a numerical model the heat and mass transfer process in a packed type liquid dehumidifier.
The curve of oblique line is addition chemistry dehumidifier system.
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