- 双语例句
This is not meant to delimit what approaches social researchers can adopt.
In there, you may swim, delimit the ship, seize the fish, the drift, jump the level.
在那里, 你可以游泳 、 划船 、 捉鱼 、 漂流 、 蹦级.
How does ability delimit affection cent is clear about.
Master life says: " I did not say to sell, how do you give delimit valence? "
主人生气说: “ 我并没有说卖, 你怎么给划价 呢 ? ”
The group which they delimit are called natural groups.
One , the contest prepares 1 . Delimit contest reviews a problem.
竞赛准备 1. 划定竞赛复习题.
Central city affects area border to differentiate, shanxi saves central city to affect dimensional structure delimit.
中心城市影响区边界划分, 山西省中心城市影响空间结构划定.
How does cost of pay of reasonable and affirmatory unit delimit the scale of individual account?
Why does the enterprise in account of individual of primary endowment insurance delimit partial Biliru decides?
If delimit oneself, yacht gives priority to content to the key to quant, safe.
如自划游船对于船桨 、 保险箱对于钥匙都为主物.
It is necessary to delimit the anomaly clearly.
Always delimit is model forest zone, forestry company all presses the requirement of forest to manage.
凡是划定为生态型的林区, 林业企业均按生态林的要求经营.
Looks back on past events'time, remembers these like meteor to delimit the life love.
回首往事的时候, 想起那些如流星般划过生命的爱情.
The investigation that the author manages this job, delimit now and the following development works.
笔者主持这项工作的调查 、 现划和以后的开发工作.
And delimit the strategic principle 2002, towering annals gains fall to the ground this.
而且划定了2002年的战略方针, 冲天之志获得落地之本.
Delimit Beijing is bad to say, program branch still does not have relevant report!
划入北京不好说, 规划部门还没有相关报道!
A punctuation character used to delimit character strings.
To the rescue after calamity, speed can delimit with life almost good number.
对于灾后援救来说, 速度几乎可以与生命划上等号.
Its are made delimit as a whole fund.
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