- 双语例句
She could have been trying to encourage a patient who threatened to despond.
The name of the slough was Despond.
In fact, they ask this to know how your despond to a difficult question.
事实上, 他问这个问题是看你对棘手问题的反应.
Since we don't want to be very rich, we will not feel despond because poor.
由于不想变得富有, 我们才不会因贫穷而感到沮丧.
Though he had failed, he did not despond.
He was sinking into the Slough of Despond.
We must do something to save him from the slough of Despond.
He saved her from the slough of despond.
The picture are memorable: Vanity Fair the Slough of Despond , Giant Despair the Delectable Mountain.
图片是难忘的: 名利场,绝望的境地, 巨型绝望,悦人的山.
At that time the country was in the slough of despond.
The outward show of fight masked a spreading inner despond at the White House ( Newsweek )
白宫外在的战斗精神掩盖了内在日益扩散的绝望情绪 ( 新闻周刊 )
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