- 双语例句
Leona put some detergent into the dishwasher, shut the door and pressed the switch.
This new dishwasher will get through all the dirty dishes like a dose of salts.
Industrial Kitchen Equipment, Oven, Cooker, Grill, Toaster, Dishwasher Kitchen and Canteen Accessories and Equipment.
采购产品工业厨房设备, 微波炉, 电饭煲, 烤, 烤面包机, 洗碗机,厨房及食堂配件及器材.
If the property needs a new dishwasher, no problem, just put it on a credit card.
It has a refrigerator, a freezer, an electric stove and a dishwasher.
这里有电冰箱 、 冷冻机 、 电炉和洗碗机.
The kitchen has a modern oven and dishwasher.
Grill a reversible rack and detachable handle, fits most standard grills and ovens, dishwasher safe.
附带有烧烤架,把手可拆, 适合于大多数烧烤方式及烤箱, 并且能适合用洗碗机清洗.
He bluffs his way in, pretending initially to be a dishwasher and then later a chef.
他虚张声势的方式, 假装最初是一个洗碗机,然后厨师.
Rather than spend hour at the kitchen sink, i'd prefer to buy a dishwasher.
与其在厨房洗涤槽浪费几个小时, 我宁可去买一台洗碟机.
But remember, he may load the dishwasher or wash the kids'hair the way you do.
但是记住, 他用洗碗机或者给孩子洗头发的方式可能会和你不同.
Run the dishwasher; run a new program on the Mac.
操作洗碗机; 在多功能计算机上操作一个新项目.
When it is operating, this dishwasher is almost silent.
A : Honey, would you please put the dishes in the dishwasher?
亲爱的, 你能把碗碟放进洗碗机里 吗 ?
The kitchen is full of electrical appliance, eg. a washing machine, dishwasher, liquidizer, etc.
厨房里有各种电器, 如洗衣机 、 洗碗机 、 果汁机等.
And one more thing : She'd appreciate if everyone would put their dishes in the dishwasher.
还有 一点: 假例如每个人都能将用过的盘子放进洗碗机她会不胜感激.
The dishwasher has worn the glaze off the china.
Dishwasher safe on top rack . Includes two sets of fork and spoon.
可以洗碗机清洗. 包括两个勺子两个叉子.
The repairman's gone to service the broken dishwasher.
The place even a dishwasher!
Empty dishwasher and put dishes away.
Warnings went out to avoid microwaving plastic ware or putting it in the dishwasher.
I bought a dishwasher for my wife so she can do the dishes.
Mrs. Hohnson phoned the repairman because her dishwasher quit working.
Do not have any objects lying on top of the dishwasher.
B : No, it's impossible. If only I had a dishwasher and washing machine!
不, 不可能的. 要是我有一台洗碗机和洗衣机就好了.
Kathy: Thanks, Rumei, but I'm going to wash them in the dishwasher.
凯西: 谢谢你, 如梅, 不过我要把盘子放进洗碟机里.
My mother thinks that her new dishwasher is the best thing since sliced bread.
We've plumbed in the dishwasher.
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