- 双语例句
When xylan extractives were desalted by ultrafiltration, optimum number of dissolute was 4.
木聚糖抽提液超滤脱盐时, 最经济的置换体积数为4.
After the disruption of the world, people who lost all love all live a dissolute life.
在世界经历过大灾难后, 人们失去了所爱,开始了放荡的生活.
You can't deny that Tom has been an ilde, worthless, dissolute and dishonourable rogue.
你也不能否认汤姆是个游手好闲 、 一钱不值 、 放荡无耻的坏蛋吧.
He who has no home is a vagrant; he who has two homes is dissolute.
一个没有家的人是流浪汉; 有两个家的人是放荡者.
You can't deny that Tom has been an idle, worthless, dissolute and dishonorable rogue.
你不能否认汤姆是个游手好闲 、 一钱不值 、 放荡无耻的坏蛋.
Once a beautiful and dissolute British actress wrote to propose marriage to Bernard Shaw.
I have also heard that he a dissolute lifestyle, but that is probably a nasty rumor.
我还听说他生活放荡不羁, 但这也许只是恶意的谣言.
He's dissolute and dissipated.
His dissolute life is inconsistent with his Puritan upbringing.
But certainly the dissolute incoherence of Rome was an invitation to people to have a go.
He led a dissolute life.
The dissolute Presidential guard who deserted his post that fateful night was named John Parker.
He led a dissolute life after he made a lot of money in business.
A company which is dissolute due a merger or division shall apply for cancellation of registration.
I like to a dissolute woman.
At this time, Jenny has degenerated and led a dissolute life.
在这段时间里, 詹妮已经退化,导致了放荡的生活.
He who has no home is vagrant; He who has two homes is dissolute.
没家的男人是个流浪汉, 有两个家的男人是放浪者.
I have also heard that he leads a dissolute lifestyle, that is probably a nasty rumor.
我还听说他生活放荡不羁, 但这只是恶意的谣言.
Jie was extremely tyrannical and dissolute.
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