- 双语例句
One who does menial work ; a drudge.
她做起事来几乎都是 四平八稳.
Lexicographers drudge all day long.
I would be content to drudge in earth , easing my heart's disgrace.
我情愿去地里干苦力, 来淡化我内心的耻辱.
I wouldn't wish to have my son drudge all his life.
If I've gone from stud to spud, then you've gone from doll to drudge.
如果说我从猛男变成了懒蛋, 那你就是从美女变成了苦工.
How can I let you be a drudge!
I am a disappointed drudge, sir.
我是个绝望了的苦力, 先生.
——英汉文学 - 双城记
Money can only be the useful drudge of things immeasurably higher than itself.
I tell you as a soldier that God is no man's daily drudge.
She's the family drudge, poor little soul – a Cinderella without a fairy godmother.
她是家里的苦力, 可怜的小生灵——没有看护神保佑“灰姑娘”.
I'm a poor, miserable , forlorn drudge; I shall only drag you down with me.
我是一个贫穷, 倒运,走投无路的苦力, 只会拖累你.
I feel like a real drudge — I've done nothing but clean all day!
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