- 双语例句
Because of the high cost of wall tiling, ducting for services, lift structures and so on.
这是由于墙面镶贴瓷砖 、 设备的管沟 、 电梯结构等的造价非常高的缘故.
Servicing & Cleaning of Exhaust Kitchen Hood , Fan and Ducting.
清除风扇,风喉 和 厨房烟罩的油迹.
a short piece of ducting
A pump was built to push fresh air along the ducting into the tunnels.
Easy to install over either round or oval ducting.
Therefore should strengthen the ducting toward British and American cultures in English teaching.
The reheated clean gas then travels back to the existing ducting and out the stack.
However, a good ducting needs a teacher peacetime to pay attention to a backlog.
然而, 一个好的导入需要教师平时留心积累.
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