- 双语例句
TYPICAL USE : The anatomy an earthworm is much simpler than that of a man.
It hasn't been reported that the coelomic fluid of earthworm shows nuclease activity.
In the earthworm and many other invertebrates, these excretory structures are called nephridia.
在蚯蚓和许多其它无脊椎动物中, 这些排泄结构称为肾管.
The finless eel ate the earthworm in front in one bite.
Life can be exciting and extreme, even an " earthworm. "
即使是一只 [ 海蚯蚓 ],生命也可以是精采而不寻常.
Earthworm populations in arable soils in the United States may be destroyed by frost.
The earthworm lives in soil.
The hen raked up an earthworm.
Study the making technique of compound earthworm capsule extract powder.
He trampled the earthworm to death.
The tortoise does not know an earthworm, also ignore.
乌龟不认识蚯蚓, 也不理睬.
The earthworm has no lungs; itbreathes through its skin. Some earthworms have asas ten hearts.
蚯蚓没有肺, 通过皮肤呼吸,有的蚯蚓有多达10颗心脏.
An earthworm is a terricolous organism.
Earthworm channels greatly aid root growth.
That chick pecks out an earthworm from the earth.
Main Ingredients: Gastrodia , Radix , ginseng, Eucommia, Astragalus, Earthworm , deer horn and Cordyceps 30 finish.
天麻、牛膝 、 人参 、 杜仲 、 黄芪 、 地龙 、 鹿茸、冬虫夏草等30余味.
So the baby earthworm cut himself into two, went to play badminton.
因此蚯蚓宝宝把自己切成两半, 跑去打羽毛球去了.
You go to garden after rain and return earthworm to grass with a spray, he helps.
雨后的早晨你去花园,用小树枝将爬到路上来的蚯蚓送还草地 —— 他在一旁帮你.
When the earthworm appears in the morning, the sun will shine brightly.
The oral opening in an earthworm is small.
Objective To determine the molecular weight of a novel deoxyribonuclease ( EWD 1 ) from the earthworm.
目的测定从蚯蚓组织中提取纯化的一种新型 脱氧核糖核酸 酶的相对分子质量.
Their extraordinary image sandy soil plain earthworm lizard and javelin lizard.
Or to be more precise, she had found part of a giant Palouse earthworm.
或许说得更精确一点, 她发现的是一条巨型帕劳斯蚯蚓的部分身躯.
Sludge reduction performance by earthworm biofilters using quartz sand and ceramsite as media was compared.
We also went fishing with an earthworm on the hook.
The earthworm population had declined by 70 %.
Objective : To investigate the growth promoting effect of earthworm on fetal rat with IUGR.
目的: 研究地龙提取物对大鼠胎仔的生长促进作用.
Objective To select an accurate method for determining the protein contents in earthworm extract.
An organism, such as earthworm or a monoclinous plant, having both male and female reproductive organs.
'雌雄'.''同''.'体'.''兼有雄性和雌性生殖器官的生物体, 如蚯蚓或''.'雌雄'. ''同花的植物.
Earthworm medicines and chemical reagents is medicable still all sorts of scald, burn.
蚯蚓药品还可治疗各种烫伤 、 烧伤等.
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