- 双语例句
Elliptical roof mainly titanium metal plates, central to involute glass curtain wall.
椭球形屋面主要采用钛金属板, 中部为渐开式玻璃幕墙.
The explanation was concise , even elliptical to the verge of obscurity.
这份解释三缄其口, 甚至省略到了模糊的地步.
Shape became magma: deformations and distortions, curves , elliptical, cellular, molecular shapes.
外形变患上恍惚: 变型和扭曲, 曲线,卵形, 蜂窝状的, 分子的外形.
Hot forming of stainless steel elliptical head is specifical process.
The thermoelastic problem was investigated a point source in the matrix outside an elliptical inclusion.
VOICE : What's wrong with an elliptical orbit for those planets?
那些行星的轨道是椭圆有什么问题 吗 ?
If the Earth were inside an elliptical galaxy it would be bright both day and night.
The electrode is driven by Elliptical Movement and its direction is controlled by two phase difference.
Light green, elliptical, very thin, long flexible petiole. Usually single crown. Large.
亮绿色椭圆型很薄的叶子, 长而有弹性的叶柄. 通常单个顶芽. 大型.
His random , elliptical, occasionally emotional manner of conversation was bound to shock, and mislead, the historians.
他谈话时漫无边际, 藏头掩尾, 间或感情冲动的特点,必定会使历史学家们感到吃惊和引起他们的误解.
The physical problem on elliptical integrals is a nonlinear problem.
On the other hand drum journal excessive wear appears elliptical, had a similar impact.
另外滚筒轴颈惨轻磨损表现椭圆时, 也有近似环境爆发.
Yet there is also some elliptical motion to this general trend.
The particle motion is elliptical retrograde in contrast to elliptical direct orbit for surface waves water.
The fracture mechanics feature of elliptical delaminations in a composite laminate is studied.
Sliver _ red, Rose _ shaped; short and straight stems, slender stalks, elliptical leaves, mid _ blooming.
银红色, 蔷薇形. 颈短而直.柄细长.叶椭圆.株型直立.分枝能立中. 花期中.
A coaxial transmission line family with elliptical outer conductor is of great importance to electromagnetic engineering.
Piranhas head, bullet, elliptical, Neiao, big straw hat, small straw hat, and so on.
食人鱼,平头,方头, 子弹头, 椭圆, 内凹, 大草帽, 小草帽等.
To avoid shock to the knees the elliptical machine was designed.
The phrases are segmented from short sentences and modeled by the elliptical basis function ( EBF ) networks.
系统从语句中将这些短语分割出来,并通过 EBF 神经网络进行建模.
Requirements can draw a straight line, arc, elliptical arc, polygon, to custom colors.
实现一个画图程序.要求能够画直线, 圆弧, 椭圆弧, 多边形, 能够自定义颜色.
The Earth's path round the sun is elliptical.
New materials and digital design enable open, elliptical, curved shapes such as functionalist and deconstructionist deformations.
新面料和数码设计使得开放的 、 椭圆的 、 曲线型,如机能主义者和解构主义变形成为可能.
The polarized light properties of stimulated Raman scattering ( SRS ) in elliptical core optical fiber is systematically.
The orbit of the earth is elliptical.
Use the Elliptical Marquee Tool to create a circle somewhere the mountains around the sky area.
The moon around the earth for elliptical motion, accompanied by Earth's revolution around the sun.
月球环绕地球作椭圆运动, 并伴随地球绕太阳公转.
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