- 双语例句
He doubles the parts of a farmhand and a miner.
Finally, a short, thin man, well past middle age, approached the farmer. " Are you a good farmhand? " the farmer asked him.
最后, 有一个个头不高 、 略显瘦弱 、 已过中年的男人来到农场主面前. “ 你是个干农活的好手 吗 ? ” 农场主问他.
Before liberation, his father worked for a landlord as a farmhand.
解放前, 他的父亲给地主当长工.
Every farmhand in the region has enjoyed her for free.
Are you a good farmhand?
你是个干农活的好手 吗 ?
Finally, a short, thin man , well past middle age , approached the farmer . Are you a good farmhand?
最后, 一个又矮又瘦的中年人来了, 你是个好的庄稼汉 吗 ?
They proposed that he should resume his job as farmhand.
He was a farmhand. He could not afford to send his son to school.
他是个雇农, 他供不起儿子上学.
Dressed as a peasant, I made friends with a farmhand in the village.
我打扮成农民模样, 和村里一位雇农交上了朋友.
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