- 双语例句
The result of test proved that the antifouling fishnet material had satisfactory antifouling.
FISHNET WITH DOT LACE TOP STOCKINGS Shown with No. S 20146 Garterbelt.
It is a fishnet made of very fine wires and weighing less than 30 g.
The following morning, the son begins to knit a big fishnet.
第二天一早, 儿子就开始编织大网了.
The fishnet must absorb only a tiny fraction of the radio waves to avoid being vaporized.
Knowledge is like a fishnet, the wider and stronger it is, the more fish it catches.
知识象张鱼网, 网越宽越牢, 网住的鱼就越多.
Get sexy and lean for night with black fishnet hose or patterned tights.
At the same time. the police enclosed the ship with fishnet.
与此同时, 警方用鱼网围住了那只船.
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