- 双语例句
If go to beauty parlour fleck laser scar does?
In fleck corneal dystrophy, the lesion only involved stroma, epithelium and endothelium levels were normal.
斑点状角膜营养不良病变仅累及基质层, 而角膜上皮层及内皮层正常.
The garlic moss has no the yellow fleck and other virus.
Every fleck of light reminds me how much I've yet to see.
I pretended to rub a fleck of grit from one eye.
For every sin that he committed, astain would fleck and wreck its fairness.
每当他犯了罪, 就会出现些斑驳之处损害它的花客.
Samoye dog and fleck in snow.
The girlfriend asks him: " I all over the face fleck, don't you mind really? "
女朋友问他: “ 我满脸雀斑, 你真的不介意? ”
Can transmissibility fleck effect a radical cure? Outside skill art, how to treat?
遗传性雀斑能根治 吗 ?出手术外, 怎么治疗?
How to treat senile plaque. Fleck?
怎样治疗老年斑. 雀斑?
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