- 双语例句
Now, a different breed of flipper is proliferating: one who seeks bargains at foreclosure auctions.
目前, 一种不同的炒房手段正迅速兴起: 在止赎拍卖中低价接手.
The seal's flipper is homologous with the human arm.
It's almost like a flipper action as she kicks down.
But look at how I get the flipper effects with my feet and my ankle flexibility.
The bumps on a whale's flipper help form vortices that generate more lift, more smoothly.
鱼鳍上突起的部分有助于形成涡旋,也就更增大上升力 、 减小阻力.
The left flipper get too tight, causing the feed is not the best.
左右两侧挡板靠的太紧, 导致送纸不顺利.
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