- 双语例句
The women kowtow outside of Jokhang temple.
The person of Home Chen hellcat kowtow, beg her a heart.
陈家的人都围著巫婆磕头, 求她发发慈悲.
Be polite, but don't kowtow to him.
要有礼貌, 但不要对他卑躬屈节.
I refuse to kowtow to anyone.
That money will not kowtow to Mr de Villepin or anyone else in the French government.
I'm not going to kowtow to a mere nobody like him.
He's a brave man. I m sure he will not kowtow to the enemy.
他是一个勇敢的人, 我相信他不会向敌人卑躬屈膝的.
All the servants had to kowtow to the emperor when he entered the room.
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