- 双语例句
The soil is depleted first by having crops grown in it and second by natural weathering and bacterial action.
The effects of weathering can be simulated in the laboratory.
In many porphyry copper deposits, additional enrichment of the metal has been caused by surficial weathering.
在许多斑岩铜矿矿床中, 地表风化使得金属铜进一步富集.
The magnesite originated from the peridotite by weathering.
The movement of water is also an important weathering force.
Weathering prepares the rock for transport by decomposing and disintegrating it.
This suggests that the optimum for biological weathering would be in a hot, moist climate.
Chemical weathering: dissolution, oxidation, carbonation , hydrolysis, and hydrations.
化学风化: 溶解 、 氧化 、 碳酸岩化 、 水合作用和水化作用.
The main controlling factors of reservoir developing are lithology , lithofacies and ancient weathering crust karstification.
Both lateritic deposit and gossan deposit are of weathering origin.
Keywords: CO 2, greenhouse effect, rock weathering, photocatalytic reduction, TiO 2.
关键词: 二氧化碳 、 温室效应 、 岩石风化 、 光催化还原 、 二氧化钛.
It has passed weathering resistance & acid resistance test of state building material test center.
已通过国家建筑材料测试中心的耐候性 及 耐酸性测试.
High resistance to heat, cold, ozone and weathering.
优异的耐热, 耐低温, 耐臭氧,防潮性能.
Clays are produced by mechanical and chemical weathering and primarily colloidal in size.
The rock physics mechanics property is bad, weathering and the soil erosion are mightiness.
岩体物理力学性质较差, 风化和水土流失强烈.
The coatings shows good weathering performance and fire retardancy.
Many common minerals, such as feldspar, develop microscopic pits during weathering.
The deposit is formed in marine invasion by weathering crust transportation, sedimentation, diagenesis and super genesis.
矿床是在海侵过程中风化壳解体,经搬运 、 沉积 、 成岩及表生作用形成.
All of the bauxites are formed by weathering without any exception.
Physical weathering: thermal expansion and contracting, ice wedging, exfoliation, salt crystallization.
物理风化: 热胀冷缩 、 冰楔作用 、 剥离作用和晶体生长.
They are affected by weathering.
The weathering could split the rock off.
To wear a surface away by weathering, abrasion, or foreign particle.
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