- 双语例句
Xing fell silent. Blacky was still angry . " What about tying a person up without cause? "
兴旺没话说了, 小二黑反要问他: “ 无故捆人犯法不犯? ”
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Quantitative methods include ADF, Granger causality test and ordinary least squares.
定量分析方法采取现代计量经济学方法——ADF单位 根检验 、 Granger因果关系检验法和最小二乘法.
Myrtaceae; Combretaceae; Elaeagnaceae; Haloragidaceae; Melastomaceae; Lecythidaceae; Lythraceae; Rhizophoraceae; Onagraceae; Lecythidaceae; Punicaceae.
桃金娘科; 使君子科; 胡颓子科; 小二仙草科; 野牡丹科; 玉蕊科; 千屈菜科; 红树科; 柳叶菜科; 玉蕊科; 石榴科.
The lines shown in these figures were fitted by the method of least squares.
Liu the Sage glared at him . " That's not for you to decide.
二诸葛的脾气又上来了,瞪了小二黑一眼道: “ 由你啦? ”
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One way to construct this line is by least square, weighting all points equally.
" Don't interfere , pa,'said Blacky.
小二黑说; “ 爹!
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" You'd soften up soon enough if I were Blacky.
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" Everyone knows that he doesn't agree to the match , and he's quite right , too.
村长说: “ 村里谁不知道小二黑不承认他的童养媳.
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The district chief asked Young Blacky: " Do you agree? "
区长问小二黑道: “ 刘二黑!你愿意不愿意? ”
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Young Blacky and Qin had been friends for two or three years.
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" it was the voice of Wang . Blacky grew angry . " Arrest who? " he cried.
他两人都听出是金旺的声音, 小二黑起了火, 大叫道: “ 拿?
汉英文学 - 中国现代小说
The damp least square method is important in active optics.
In linear regression, the least squares estimation is heavily innuenced with outlyers.
在线性回归中, 常用最小二乘估计求线性方程的回归系数.
He turned to Young Blacky.
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