- 双语例句
Annals nation company cherishes all accredit that come from a client and support.
It also has advice about how to avoid worthless educational programs and accredit accrediting agencies.
The president will accredit you as his assistant.
Only such, we can win the accredit of people and support, win common feelings of people.
只有这样, 我们才能赢得人民群众的信任和支持, 赢得民心.
We accredit the invention of the electric light to Adison.
Any accredit users can get relevant video information through the network.
Sina board of directors henceforth will more unite, sufficient accredit.
新浪董事会今后将会更加团结, 充分授权.
Thank everybody to be opposite the accredit of Jin Zhida company!
We accredit the invention of the telephone to bell.
Tall professional content can invite a client more accredit you.
He from accredit to now, already 3 years superabundant.
他从派驻到现在, 已三年有余.
That should see you think his accredit what.
But reality is not to get online clever, accredit becomes a first issue.
但现实并不是一上网就灵, 信任成为一个首要的问题.
We accredit him with finding that book.
Software of MII accredit China evaluates a center, develop computer information system compositive aptitude attestation works.
信息产业部授权中国软件评测中心, 开展计算机信息系统集成资质认证工作.
To obtaining the website of accredit, nature can broadcast relevant video.
对于获得授权的网站, 自然可以播放相关视频.
Huang Huiwen expresses, cost of accredit of copyright of section purpose network is cheaper.
黄蕙雯表示, 节目的网络版权授权费比较便宜.
How accurate the accredit action that holds superintend and director to check?
Accredit can simplify trade process, managing trade charge, raise the utilization rate of resource.
信任可以简化交易过程, 节约交易费用, 提高资源的利用率.
Client undertakes some activity to agent through agreement accredit, form entrust acting relation.
委托人通过合约授权给代理人从事某项活动, 形成委托代理关系.
They accredit these views to him.
Going after resounding effect blindly is wrong, destroyed the accredit the public tries hard to science.
一味追求轰动效应是错误的, 破坏了公众对科学努力的信任.
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