- 双语例句
This plant prefers alkaline soil, though it will readily tolerate some acidity.
这种植物在酸性土壤中也能生存, 但碱性土壤更加适宜.
Good acidity , moderate body, really sweet , nutty aroma with smooth, flavor.
酸度适中, 中等醇度, 甘甜顺滑, 香味, 坚果味.
A pH test measures the acidity or alkalinity of a substance.
Add honey to counterbalance the acidity.
Acidity in soil can be neutralized by spreading lime on it.
Check the acidity of the soil with a test kit.
Biological activity in a soil is influenced by soil acidity and nutrient status.
Analysis of the acidity and chemical characteristics of precipitation in Zhejiang Province.
The full bodied palate abounds with soft creamy varietal fruit flavours and refreshingly crisp acidity.
Too low acidity often reflects poorly aged flour.
Wax gourd is acidity alkalescent still, what nutrition value and side effect are there?
冬瓜是酸性还是碱性, 有什么营养价值和副作用?
Tart. Term applied to wine with high acidity made from grapes not completely ripe.
The acidity conditions were discussed about determination of total chromium with AAS ( flame atomic absorption spectrophotometry ).
Technologies of clarification and acidity reduction of raspberry dry wine were studied.
Raw wines are often tannic and high in alcohol or acidity.
Good acidity support its balance.
Clear rice vinegar Sweet and subtle clear vinegar made from fermented rice, relatively low in acidity.
白米醋用发酵大米制成的甜味的和甚为清澈的醋, 酸度较低.
In the mouth offers fruitiness and good acidity , aromas of green apples and apricots.
It has balanced acidity with a citric finish.
Catalyst acidity and hydrogen donating abilities of hydrocarbon solvent had marked effect on quinoline cracking.
Mouth: Fresh and mellow, with pleasant fruit aromas and balanced acidity.
口味: 清爽柔顺, 果味怡人,酸度适中.
Uniqely , heavy body, low acidity , pleasant nutty aroma , distinctive syrupy, exotic flavor.
极浓郁醇度, 低酸度, 带有独特坚果香气和花香味.
Traits: The overall impression is relatively simple, smooth taste, acidity handling properly.
品鉴: 整体感觉比较简单, 口感平滑, 酸度处理尚佳.
I: Soft, and a crisp acidity?
柔软, 有酸味 呢 ?
Pungent: Having a powerful , assertive smell linked to a high level of volatile acidity.
刺激性的: 指葡萄酒具有大量.
This wine displays full ripe fruit and enjoys balanced acidity with a long finish.
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