- 双语例句
He had mild tinnitus, and slightly decreased auditory acuity.
他有轻度耳鸣, 并且听力稍减.
On examination, her visual acuity was normal and without apparent proptosis.
Results The visual acuity of 12 eyes ( 70.09 % ) was above 0.05.
The eye reaction after operation was mild and the postoperative visual acuity recovered well.
Treatment options and goals depend on the acuity of hepatic encephalopathy.
Reports also indicated that Sabril can damage the central retina and decrease visual acuity.
The left orbital symptoms resolved and visual acuity improved four days after his surgical decompression drainage.
RESULTS: All the cases were cured well with good appearance and improved visual acuity.
结果: 所有病例均获良好修复,外形改善,视功能不同程度地提高.
Main Outcome Measures corneal thickness, visual acuity, changes of corneal topography, diopter, and number of operations.
主要指标治疗前角膜厚度 、 视力 、 角膜地形图变化 、 屈光度 、 手术次数.
His mental acuity parallels his physical dominance.
Myopia is the most common ocular disorder visual acuity impact , and its pathogenesis is still unknown.
近视眼是最常见的眼科疾患, 发病机制不明.
Macular edema is a common cause of reducing visual acuity in patients with fundus disease.
There are many other factors in human milk that also support neurocognitive development and visual acuity.
Results The uncorrected visual acuity 0 . 5 was in 88 . 71 % at post operative 2 month.
Using the new visual acuity measuring device , the visual acuity measurement can be done automatically.
通过本实用新型的人眼视力测量装置, 可以使视力测量自动化.
The completed Visual Acuity Record must be presented prior to taking CWI examination.
We also compare the visual acuity and the signs and after the treatment the first group.
The nurse may also measure visual acuity.
The acuity was all under 0.1 before operation, but the visionacuity ranged from 0.3 to 0.8.
随访半年以上所有病例视力均有不同程度提高,术前视力均在0.1以下, 术后矫正视力在0.3~0.8之间.
Taxation burden is a most acuity and sensitive problem concerning economy and the peoples livelihood.
Main Outcome Measures LogMAR visual acuity, BCVA, contrast sensitivity and stereoscopic vision.
主要指标LogMAR视力 、 最佳矫正视力 、 对比敏感度、立体视锐度.
The visual acuity of the whole case was improved, the damage to visual field didn't increased.
术后所有病例视力均有不同程度提高, 视野损害均未见加深.
Palpation revealed a stony hard left eyeball and his visual acuity bad also deteriorated.
To perform other clinic duties such as first aid, visual acuity test.
负责其他与诊所职务相关工作,如急救, 视力测试等等.
Major causes of limited visual acuity were central corneal scar and irregular astigmatism.
Your visual acuity is not poor.
Preoperative and postoperative visual acuity was compared.
The visual acuity, intraocular pressure ( IOP ) , and complications were analyzed.
分析视力 、 眼压 和并发症.
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