- 双语例句
I intend to amortize the total cost of the car over three years.
He wanted to amortize his fixed rental cost by stretching the operating hours.
Give delay charge to ought to be in its are effective the amortize inside economic life, the amortize that our country sets period do not exceed 10 years.
递延费用应当在其有效经济寿命内摊销, 我国规定的摊销期不超过10年.
To amortize the intangible assets is the accounting method used to describe the shrinkage.
When computational income tax, undertake amortize minute years.
在计算所得税时, 分五年进行摊销.
Over its useful life. For decoration fee, it is proper to amortize them period.
根据使用年限. 对装修费来说, 根据租赁期来摊销比较恰当吧.
Once the amortize method of the enterprise is affirmatory, do not get optional change.
企业的摊销办法一经确定, 不得随意改变.
Smaller assemblies also let you amortize the cost of application startup.
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