- 双语例句
Objective To investigate continuous epidural anaesthesia between 10 and 11 thoracic vertebra in the appendix operation.
The operation can be done under local anaesthesia.
The doses used for surgical anaesthesia vary between 2 and 10 mg / kg.
His lecture is intended to bear down on the application of acupuncture anaesthesia in brain surgery.
The doctor will give him a general anaesthesia.
Now I'll give you the anaesthesia.
There is no clear evidence that deferring anaesthesia and surgery in such patients reduces perioperative risk.
The use of anaesthesia in operations is to give patients relief from pain.
When becoming an operation, does the person have may wake from inside anaesthesia?
做手术时, 人有没可能从麻醉中醒过来?
So, under no anaesthesia, AFG or AF decreased blood pressure and improved microcirculation.
因此认为, 在无麻醉条件下, AFG与 AF均能降低兔动脉血压,并能扩张血管,促进微循环.
Method: Retrieving and reviewing the pertinent literatures of using acupuncture anaesthesia in nasal part operation.
方法: 检索在鼻部手术中使用针刺麻醉的相关文献报道,并进行综述.
Conclusions: It is very importment to choice the patients and anaesthesia.
结论: 选择合适的患者及麻醉方式是手术成功的关键.
Objective To observe the effect of phacocmulsification cataract extraction with implantation intraocular lens wrcter topical anaesthesia.
Now the anaesthesia has worn off.
Anaesthesia machine, Ventilator, Patient monitor, ECG, B Ultrasound scanner, and Clinical laboratory equipment.
X光机,麻醉机, 呼吸机, 监护仪, 心电图, B超扫描仪, 临床实验室设备.
Patients can general anaesthesia anesthesia during the operation or.
When doing anaesthesia of nerve block sluggish, can cause hemal, nerve to organize injury.
做神经阻滞麻醉时, 可引起血管 、 神经组织损伤.
Objective: Discusses the BIS'guiding sense as the anaesthesia depth target general anesthesia induction.
目的: 探讨BIS作为 麻醉深度的指标对于麻醉诱导气管插管是否有指导意义.
Objective To analysis the feasibility of cataract phacoemulsification and intraocular lens implantation under topical anaesthesia.
Sedation during spinal anaesthesia in infants.
Objective To summary clinical experience of anaesthesia and enhance anaesthesia effect in peritoneoscope.
Objective : To explore improving the quality of micro laryngeal surgery by general anaesthesia and endotracheal intubation.
目的: 比较支撑喉镜下采用小口径气管导管插管全麻进行喉显微手术的效果,探讨提高喉显微手术的质量.
You will not feel pain as you will be under local anaesthesia.
Is the anaesthesia machine and medication check complete?
These anaesthesia medicines are under the special control of the superior management departments.
Objective To investigate efficacy of tramadol addition to ropivacaine 0.75 % epidural anaesthesia for Caesarean section.
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