- 双语例句
The move was widely seen as an attempt to appease critics of the regime.
Gandhi was accused by some of trying to appease both factions of the electorate.
He tried to appease the crying child by giving him candy.
Can you appease the boy's curiosity?
你能满足这个男孩的好奇心 吗 ?
Nothing could appease the crying child.
It was a blunder for them to try to appease the aggressor.
The government tried to appease discontented workers.
In such a tight labour market, companies appease workers by offering higher wages.
在劳动力卖方市场, 企业以提供更高的工资来满足雇员.
It would be fun to appease the appetite of hungry people.
He tried to appease his angry mother with kind words.
A king's wrath is a messenger of death, but a wise man will appease it.
王的震怒, 如杀人的使者.但智慧人能止息王怒.
Publicly, Mr. Netanyahu must appease his coalition partners who oppose any curbs on construction in Jerusalem.
The crisis forced him to make some political concessions to appease the masses.
After Munich Conference, America? s policy was not only to appease Germany , but also to contain it.
慕尼黑会议之后, 美国的对德政策是绥靖与遏制并存.
A measure intended to help appease the pain caused by the reforms ended upshavingsthe opposite effect.
He has to appease his young brother.
After nearly two hours of police persuasion, to appease the man basic emotional stability.
经过民警近两个小时的劝解 、 安抚,该男子情绪基本稳定.
If Mabel should get another miff, they'd never be able to appease her.
如果梅宝儿再发怒的话, 他们就没办法使她息怒了.
He hunted up a restaurant to appease his hunger.
Fifteen percent of employers reported modifying their policies in order to appease their Gen Y employees.
Dispel unpleasant smells. Stimulate appetite. Appease vehemency and depression.
祛除异味, 刺激食欲, 赶山肠胃,安抚焦虑、愤怒、沮丧.
Chamberlain tried to appease Hitler with Sudetenland at Munich.
Prayers, charms, incantations were used to appease the gods or to ward off demons.
人类用祈祷, 符咒, 咒语向上帝表达悔意或者是驱赶魔鬼.
Sedation appease facial skin cream containing rare plants, efficient components skin penetration to the bottom.
镇静安抚面部肌肤,含珍贵植物精华, 高效成份渗透至肌肤底层,使肌肤更易吸收,加快代谢,令肌肤.
He said he could eat an elephant to appease his hunger.
For all of China's wealth, the party is desperate to appease the restive rural masses.
为了中国整体富裕, 党不顾一切安抚焦躁的农村群体.
Meaning mediate a dispute and appease conflict.
We stock 20 fresh scents, each designed to appease your senses and leave you overwhelmed with pleasure.
我们的浴&肥皂酒吧被设计清洗和重新补充您的皮肤,使您感受新鲜, 豪华和富有.美国不调控我们的肥皂 作为 化妆用品,因此自然工艺是最接近的类别.
We will appease our enemies so that we may live.
By charisma of veterans , Abe expect to regain electorates and appease different voices.
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