- 双语例句
Compound bacterium will not directly affect aquatic biology but improve the survival environment of aquatic biology.
Budding force is powerful, root system develops, take root is deeper, inside unripe bacterium root.
萌芽力强, 根系发达, 扎根较深, 具内生菌根.
Remove bacterium and unpleasant odour, bleach out stubborn sains of sweat, juice tea, blood, soy, etc.
除菌辟臭, 漂除汗渍,果渍, 茶渍, 血渍, 酱油渍等顽固污渍.
Virus is smaller than bacterium living things, explains once bacterium, its creation, growth growth and structure.
病毒是比细菌小的生物, 解释一下细菌, 它的产生, 生长,发育及结构.
A bacterium Neisseria meningitidis that causes cerebrospinal meningitis.
The new experimental vaccine contains a weakened TB bacteria bacterium a strain of the current vaccine.
The boiling water will kill most of ( ly ) the substances such as bacterium, virus and toxin etc.
开水将杀死大多数细菌 、 病毒、毒素等物质.
Stomach ulcer More than 70 percent of duodenalstomach ulcers are caused a bacterium called helicobacter pylori.
The new experimental vaccine a weekend weakened TB bacterium from a strain of the current vaccine.
They have isolated the bacterium in its pure form.
More recently , Enterobacter cloacae became a fast spreading pathogen bacterium among transplantation center.
Now ( MRSA ) and a new Gram - negative bacteria bacterium , which is called multidrug - resistant Acinetobacter baumann i.
另外一种是新发现的革兰氏阴性细菌, 叫多重耐药性鲍曼不动杆菌.
Separation and identification of this bacterium and further research in molecular level could have important significance.
Syphilis is a sexually transmitted infectious disease caused by the bacterium Treponema pallidum.
A bacterium is identified as the cause for his duodenal ulcer.
A bacterium is a very small organism made up of one cell.
Excuse me the following bacterium of screw of which formulary and eradicative pylorus is best?
The bacterium could adapt to a broad pH range for PVA degradation.
Conclusion: Baihuling pyretolysis powder has obvious bacteriostatic action to the bacterium which is sensitive to it.
结论: 白虎羚退热散对其敏感的细菌有明显的抑菌作用.
This bacterium causes stomach ulcers and increases the chances of developing stomach cancer.
Is counting money to count thumb desquamate as relative as the bacterium on RMB?
数钱数到大拇指脱皮是与RMB上的细菌有关系 么 ?
A luminous bacterium, D 40 , was isolated from the marine sediment samples collected in Qingdao offshore.
With fast sterilize ability , it can kill bacterium and vermin eggs etc. in 2~6 minutes normally.
Methods: The specific gene of Bacterium coli O 157 was amplified by LAMP, and compared with PCR.
方法采用环介导的恒温扩增反应(LAMP)技术扩增大肠杆菌O157特异性基因, 并与传统PCR比较.
This approach uses a irus to infect a bacterium so the bacterium will copy the irus.
They found a bacterium visible to the human eye.
Treatment is supplemented with a course of antibiotics to kill the bacterium.
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