- 双语例句
They appear to rule out some of the ideas that have been mentioned — banding the tax so higher earners would pay more.
A few banding together is no good.
Mothods: Male patients � � cytogenetics analysis is carried out with peripheral blood chromosome G banding methods.
Bariatric surgery includes procedures such as gastric bypass, stomach stapling and banding.
手术治疗肥胖包括胃绕道 、 胃吻合和胃带等.
During the process of application, uneven tension and unsmooth banding would make the tape separation.
无纬带在使用过程中, 如张力不匀或绑扎不平整,容易造成分叉.
SLIM LINE is much more efficacious than traditional edge banding with glue pot.
Nevertheless, in some areas , banding of phosphate has continued to be recommended.
尽管如此, 在某些情况下, 仍推荐磷肥条施.
Banding process should proceed at the room temperature. Better effect at the heat condition.
无纬带绑扎最好在室温下进行, 但热态绑扎效果更好.
Isolated sleeve gastrectomy appears to result in greater weight loss than adjustable gastric banding.
This paper describes banding technique, edge banding material and developing trend.
介绍封边技术 、 封边材料的发展趋势.
Banding is not generally necessary nor even desirable.
Banding together to share risk ofpayment, is the essence of insurance.
组合起来,分摊风险,舍财消灾,大事化小, 这是保险的本质.
Gastric banding: An adjustable band makes a small pouch in the top part of your stomach.
胃束带手术: 用一个可调节的束胃带在胃的顶部做一个胃袋.
Objective To explore the applicability histological features of plexiform bone and osteon banding to species identification.
Investment banks are already banding together to develop alternative reporting services.
This technology is applicable to reinforced concrete basement floor, walls of reinforced banding.
本工艺标准适用于地下室钢筋混凝土底板 、 墙的钢筋绑扎.
Chromosome banding patterns are correlated with unique patterns of histone modifications.
Methods: 430 cases with infaust gravidity andlabor were analyzed using blood lymphocyte chromosome G banding technique.
方法: 对430例不良孕产史夫妇进行外周血淋巴细胞染色体G显带分析.
The process of Z frame roll banding has been analyzed.
But banding technique, it can be discerned.
但是借助于现代技术, 它可以被清晰的识别.
Banding also increased N use efficiency from 103 to 154 %.
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