- 双语例句
I quickly followed suit , and descending into the barroom accosted the grinning landlord very pleasantly.
我赶紧依样画葫芦, 下楼到酒吧间去,十分愉快地跟那个笑嘻嘻的店老板打招呼.
Coming back, he walked through the barroom, where people waiting for the train were drinking.
他走回来的时候, 穿过酒吧间, 看见候车的人们都在喝酒.
Miss Scarlett, Maw would a cotton stalk, did Ah go in a barroom a ho'house.
思嘉小姐, 俺要是上一家酒吧间或妻子家去了,俺妈会拿棉花秆抽俺呢.
Son: " Are you often came out to get lost from barroom? "
儿子: “ 您不是经常从酒吧间里出来就迷路了 吗 ? ”
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