- 双语例句
Waterfront Plant Landscape: aquatic, biogas plants mainly with terrain target.
滨水区植物景观: 以水生 、 沼生植物为主,结合地形进行配置.
Thirdly, the reduction of N 2 O emission based on biogas residue using instead of chemical fertilizers.
第三 、 利用生物汽残渣而不是化学肥料带来的氧化亚氮N2O的减排.
Biogas is made from various kinds of agricultural and forestry residues by a gasifier.
Domestic household biogas construction is the main project of renewable energy in rural area.
After the adsorption, water hyacinth biogas fermenting is also improved.
Small electricity generators are often powered by reciprocating engines burning diesel, biogas or natural gas.
小型发电机往往由往复式发动机燃烧柴油 、 沼气或天然气驱动.
This paper summarizes recent sdudies on utilization of biogas fermentation residue improving vegetable yield and quality.
Is the biogas project additional and would it not be realized without CDM ( Additionality )?
沼气项目是否具有额外性;如果没有CDM是否无法实现 ( 额外性 )?
A biogas digester , as seenat a Lashi Lake area residence, converts waste to a clean gas.
上图为拉什湖附近一处居民家的沼气池, 它将垃圾转化为清洁的沼气.
In Quaternary, the basin was in steady subsidence stage, which was a period of biogas accumulation.
第四纪为盆地稳定沉降阶段, 是生物气聚集成藏时期.
The paper puts forward a model of biogas and solar energy island ecosystem.
Finally, biogas can be used to prolong storage of fruit and grain.
最后, 沼气可以用来延长水果和谷物的存储时间.
The biogas system is the kernel component of Guquan Experimental Farm of Ecological Engineering.
The characteristics and composition of the biogas streaming are discussed.
The removal of COD and sulfate and the production of biogas were studied in the experiment.
Anaerobic processes could either occur naturally or in a controlled environment such as a biogas plant.
Rural household biogas construction is a key program to current renewable energy construction in ( China ).
The application of biogas technology is a valid method treatments the energy crisis.
With the fast development of biogas project , the amount of the abnormal biogas digester also increases.
摘要随着沼气建设的快速发展, 病态池的数量也随之增多.
By 2020, about 300 million rural people will use biogas as their main fuel.
到2020年, 大约有3亿农村人口将沼气作为他们的主要燃料.
CDM could be a very important tool, to finance good and reliable biogas projects in China.
Investors receive a certificate, or biogas credit, indicating the quantity of annual carbon emissions attained.
The biogas captured can be used as a valuable energy source.
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